In loving memory of Don Leitzell, Mike Brigandi, Chris Leitzell, and Jim Winck.  They all added to the Legacy of DAP, and are sorely missed.  Don was a founding partner, and President from 1987 until 2020. Mike and Chris became partners after starting as registered representatives. Chris succeeded Don as President from 2020-2022. Jim was a registered representative for 21 years after his retirement from Penn State. They always kept the client first, were very successful advisors who helped build this firm and client relationships. Although they are no longer with us, their spirit lives on in our hearts, and the memories we shared will forever be cherished. This page is dedicated to honoring the lives of these men, celebrating the moments we were fortunate to experience with them.  We keep their memory alive in a way that reflects their importance to Diversified Asset Planners, Inc.


Donald (Don) Leitzell (1949-2024)

Donald Leitzell Obituary (1949 - 2024) - Beech Creek, PA - Centre Daily Times







Michael (Mike) Brigandi (1944-2023)

Michael Brigandi Obituary (1944 - 2023) - State College, PA - Centre Daily Times







Christopher (Chris) Leitzell (1971-2022)

Christopher Leitzell Obituary (1971 - 2022) - State College, PA - Centre Daily Times







James (Jim) Winck (1941-2016)

James Winck Obituary (2016) - Howard, PA - Centre Daily Times